Domestic Violence Accountability Program (DVAP)
The Domestic Violence Accountability Program for Men (DVAP) at Family Counseling Service of the Finger Lakes is a 26 or 52 week accountability program for men who have a history of domestic violence.
Participants are referred to the program through courts, probation, or parole, the DVAP program enrolls up to 15 men per class.
The Classes
Each 60-minute class is run by facilitators trained on the NY Model for Batterer Programs, and the topics each week focus on education around the issue of domestic violence including: the definition of domestic violence, healthy relationship components, non-violent responses, male privilege, and the impact of domestic violence on victims, children, families, and society as a whole. The program has a strong education focus, the model of the DVAP program emphasizes accountability and accepting responsibility for personal choices- it is not a therapeutic model or a class designed to “treat” or “counsel” men who batter. Participants have clear expectations for program compliance, as part of the sanction imposed by the criminal justice system to emphasize zero-tolerance for domestic violence, and the class environment disallows excusing or justifying violence.
To participate in our Domestic Violence Accountability Program, a person must be referred through the court system.